A photographer with an ever growing love for this art form. My main interest resides in landscape and travel photography, while at the same time also enjoying other genres of photographic expression such as architectural and nature/macro photography, which to me, to an extent, are variations, derive from or are closely connected with landscape photography.
Having been born and raised in Santander, located on the north coast of Spain, and living right next to the beach, it is quite understandable that my first passion in life was sailing. When I moved to Madrid to start my professional career, initially as a civil engineer, the distance from the sea became a real obstacle to keep up sailing on a regular basis and reservoirs were not an acceptable option for me, so I took up mountaineering, which had been a calling for me but had been kept on standby during my time in my hometown due to my greater love for the sea back then.
The desire to freeze those memories of beautiful places and moments, along with the possibility of having other people transported to those locations, brought photography into the game and the story started.
I love capturing the beauty around us, sometimes obvious but other times conspicuous or at least less evident, and sharing it with others.
I hope you enjoy my pictures and furthermore that they stir some emotions in you.

A Couple of Explanatory Notes:
LANGUAGE: Some people might find a little bit strange, if not downright weird, that, being born and living in Spain, I have decided to showcase my work in English. The reason for this decision is that the actual purpose of this portfolio is to share these frozen moments of beauty with the largest audience possible and, despite the great and growing amount of people around the world who have Spanish as their mother tongue or learn it as a second language, English is still nowadays in essence the "international language". I often think about having the site with texts in both languages, English and Spanish. With any luck I will get down to do it any time soon.
TWO LAST NAMES: In Spain it is quite common to use two last names, and indeed all official documents include both, the first one being your father's first family name and the second your mother's first family name. Due to globalization this is getting lost to an extent and nowadays a lot of people often use only their first last name for briefness and to avoid confusion since people from non-Hispanic countries tend to take the first last name as a middle name when both family names are shown. I could have avoided the potential misunderstanding of Matorras as being my middle name showing only this last name but I like this Spanish custom of two last names because I find it shows respect and pride for both branches of your family and not just your father's, besides helping to distinguish people with common last names.